As the day i go Shanghai gets closer...  



I dread the day i go shanghai for oitp.. I SWEAR I WILL MISS DEAR LIKE CRAZY~!

Dear gt everything planned for me alr sia..wad i shld bring how much i shld carry.. his lappy.. his daddy's contact.. haix.. dunno wad i will do without u sia..

But at the same time i'm excited to go Shanghai.. going to another country to work is reali exciting.. get to know other pple's culture and food and of cos shopping!!!! I will buy back loads of prezzies for all my buddies! dont worry guys!..

Reali wana thank dear for always protecting and worrying for me this past two years.. Sori ah.. i always give u trouble.. make u settle for me.. boo..

Sianx.. school starting soon.. Nooooooooo... tests tests tests and exams.. I started abit on everything.. lol.. and i haven finished studying any.. jialat.. stil got PBL haven done yet.. OMG! 2008 will be a stressful year..

p.s. no one reads my bloggie de ah? everytime see no taggie de.. sads nia..

Merry X'mas & Happy Anniversary~!!  


First things first.. Merry Christmas to all!! =)

25th of December marks the most memorable day for us as it is also our anniversary.. officially.. Yeah.. so lets start with the prezzies.. Yammy bought bag & Shir bought cardigan and dumbells...

Guess what.. We both wanted to buy watch for each other at first! lol.. but we as poor students couldn't afford to buy a nice watch.. minimum jiu need 100 bucks at least.. jialut..

So anyway.. we wanted to re-enact the day we met which is not the 25th but the 16th.. anyway.. 25th is the official date ma.. so ya.. u get the point.. wanted to -thon on christmas eve but yammy-to-shir's prezzie not ready.. zzz.. so we decided to postpone the -thoning on christmas day itself.. which is today.. and we're not -thoning now.. we are at home.. zzz shall not talk abt that..

So ya.. Shir went to Yammy house in the morning to make breakfast... then we watch a few episodes of Heroes season 2 till around 3 or 4pm.. We then headed down to cineleisure to get movie tickets.. (I am Legend; 9pm)

Walked down orchard road towards taka for awhile.. Then headed back to cine for dinner.. Pasta Mania.. Time pass sooo so fast when we're together.. Veri soon it was time to go in the cinema.. The movie was not bad.. but there was too much suspense and sudden scenes..

After that we headed home liao.. sianx lar!

Exam over!  



Yay exams finally over last week.. super stress zzz but glad its over.. i think i fail one module again *sob*sob* longer life as a student zzz..

Dear's holiday also started liao heee can meet more often now.. and means i must excercise more ( lol ).. must really run everyday ah? ~_~

Anyways.. just happy can meet u more nowadays even though we argue alot haha. love u lots dear :) dear's going to shanghai soon next year :/ 7 weeks..! zzz.. loner life again.. 24/7 pia game haha... dear u must remember to call me k? you can bring my laptop so no excuses for u =D
i buy u the international calling card and remind me give u my papa number.. in case things happen there.. ok? MUST CALL OK? MUST!!! i warn u first :p

finally can meet dear tomorrow liao haha,, i also havent buy ur pressie.. can't get it in time from overseas.. sorry hor must wait till it comes in Jan.. but will give some other things.. dont worry.. lol.. *sob at wallet* .. can't wait for that day :) love u lots..

ps: take care of my xiao lao po there.. lol..

How To Make Instant Hot Ice  


yay... its the hols!  



Yay.. finally.. Its the festive season.. hee.. CHRISTMAS! also our anniversary.. wee...~

We deciding to buy couple ring to celebrate our 2nd year anniversary.. Hee.. My wish is coming true.. Dear always ignore my hints..

Hmm.. the actual present i stil haven thought of wad to buy yet leh.. abit hard.. cos there are many things i can buy but i not sure wad is most ideal for an anniversary.. muz think about it but i dun have much time! I onli have like 1 week plus to get the prezzie.. Stil need to study also... jialat.. 2 weeks reali no enuf sia.. hmm.. anyone got any ideas whr is a great place to go eat? haha.. somewhr nice but not expensive? lol..

No emo Stop emo!  



Urgh... its been such an emo week for me.. Buay tahan.. its soo not me! i cant stand being emo.. keep thinking and thinking about stuff non-stop.. wan die liao.. wa~

Anyway.. i just wana say thanks to all my great buddies who were so concerned about me.. Msg me and stuff.. yahh.. Just wana say i lurve ya guys! Gimme support so i wud not feel so alone.. I'm just hoping things will get better and though i wish so badly that it wud go back to the way it was before, i should try and work things out instead of mourning about it.. I always only know how to complain and never take action..

Haix.. i miss dear so much i think my heart stop beating alr.. numb.. i dun feel a thing now.. I dunno wad to do.. dunno whether i wana meet wana msg wana call.. Dear pls save me.. Boo...

I hate myself  



I hate myself for being such a cry baby.. i cry about everything.. whether i'm sad or angry or in pain i cry.. i just cant help it.. i keep telling myself not too but the tears just wont stop.. I cant stop crying cos of you.. U basket... always make me cry.. and i know i'm not supposed to.. Small thing onli i cry.. sux man.. i hate myself..

Anyway whether i cry or not u also dun care.. If someone u love cries, will ur heart hurt? I guess i'm looking for comfort but sadly u're not there for me.. Mayb that's why i cry alot.. bcos u dun give a damn abt me sometimes.. I'm sure you'll say otherwise... If so.. fucking prove it to me cos most of the time i really cannot feel it..

It sux even more when u're crying about your r/s bcos if u're sad or angry about like family or friends u know there's always your dear to turn to.. But when its your dear that makes u sad.. To me its the sadest thing in the world.. Cos there's no one closer to turn to that can listen and comfort you.. I'm so freaking pissed and i cant stop crying.. Help~

I know u have alot of exams and need to study and i shld let u do so and not distract you by wanting to meet you but the thing is u dun call.. dun msg.. dowan to meet and u dun even plan to meet.. Its almost like u're hinting to me that u wan a silent break.. But i know u're not.. It just feels that way and it kinda sux.. Dear u promised me u wont bully me anymore le.. Urgh i cant even tell u how i feel right now cos i dowan to distract you studying.. I cant be selfish.. i want u to study hard and pass well... but i feel like fuck shit right now and i cant tell you.. I hate u but i miss u.. I dun even dare to call u right now.. I noe we will argue for sure.. I dowan it to affect your studies.. cos i'm sure it will affect mine.. but i dun really care that much right now.. I'll just probably bury myself to my next most comforting thing in life- the bed.. At least i noe it wont disappoint me..

Crappy Shitty Sucky day  



Not a single day i feel happy ever since i came back from M'sia... Actually in M'sia also not veri happy.. sickening period.. cannot enjoy.. dulan.. come back i thought got dear wud be much more happier but i was wrong..

I dun even know how it started but ya.. no one knows how fights start anyway.. aiya.. wat the hell i also dunno wad i wana blog.. just damn sianx damn pissed damn pek chek.. I just feel so angry at times and i dunno whether i angry at him or myself or just pissed about everything..

So confusing.. i hate to argue.. i love him and hate him equally much.. Make me cry for so long... And u dun even care.. Kinda disappointed at him but wad can i do.. I just want everything to be okay.. no mood to eat to study.. urgh.. i hate you but i love you.. I push u away but i want u to come back.. Dun really make sense but i dun reali fucking care.. Its just how i am k? Unreasonable u say but i just wan certain things my way.. selfish or not there are certain things i need from a relationship.. And its definitely not this.. treating me like shit..

I know u're sorry but if u dun change, a million sorries also no use de.. I'm sorry too dear.. cos I guess mayb i took things a little too seriously.. Mayb if i didn't mind so much about wad we said we wud not argue.. Duno lar.. just call for time out bah..

Y@y!!!! Dearest back in town!  



Hello and welcome back dearie :)) miss u lots while u were gone. got miss me there? =X you ah.. ask u call me when u are there.. 3 days only msg twice.. make me so worried... then last day so late reach home somemore. ur mummy call me like 4 times la.. :/

anyway, your trip sounds fun i also want go :( next time i got money i bring u go.. we go there shop like mad want? lol.. p.s. when i got money. ya.. i since like 10 years old never went Malaysia liao.. i'm a noob there.. next time u must bring me walk around k? =X

Pass me the chewing gum ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want eat so long never chew liao.. mouth super itchy haha..

and sorry that we arugue again just only when u get back from malaysia.. :/ but u know its all good for you.. call me when u read this k? I'm sorry.

Back to S'pore!  



Yay..! 2 days in M'sia was fun!! 'cept that my period came.. sianx!

Think we took about 5 hours or more to get there cos got to stop at S'pore customs and 2nd link at M'sia customs.. Reached the hotel at ard 8.30plus... We put down our luggages and went to A&W! WoOhOo..~ S'pore no more A&W.. extinct alr.. Super shiok lar their curly fries and root beer float.. But their main burger so-so only lar.. Not alot variety and got alot veggy inside also.. haha.. OH! And they got waffles with ice cream also..Nice Nice! It was like 1-inch thick 4-inch in diameter super big lar.. yums yums.. so sad s'pore no A&W.

After dinner we went back to the hotel to bath and rest.. Khai tuck came to meet us later at the hotel.. Then i went to the guys room play psp.. haha.. bored nia.. hotel cannot do anything.. thought of thon-ing but everyone was so tired.. In the end i fell asleep in the guy's room lar.. lazy go back.. lol

The next morning we woke up at 8am.. got 2 hours to get prepared for Ms yee's wedding.. lol.. Bath, dress, set hair and make-up.. 2 hours was just enuf lor.. didn't even have time to eat breakfast.. At least we weren't late.. haha.. the wedding at the church was really traditional.. Traditional vows and everything.. Ms yee was really pretty lar! But of ma! lol Got buffet also.. Nasi briyani, chicken and mutton curry.. Not bad lor.. It ended at around 2pm and the bus took us back to the hotel.. Rested for like half hour.. changed out of our formal wear to sth more comfortable so we can go shopping!

We took LRT to KL central then monorail to Imbi and walked to Time Square... Think there quite famous bah... Dear say so de.. Got 10 stories to shop lor! crazy.. never see such a big shopping centre in my life.. haha.. We ate Kenny Roger's there.. So much cheaper than S'pore.. But a bit disappointing lar the food.. Not as nice as S'pore de... but the muffin got other flavours.. =) After that we split so can shop better.. mun and me.. alvin and chels... raven kt bings and jia haur tgt.. lol.. dunno is it mun and me slow or wad lar.. but we took 1 1/2 hours to shop like 1 and a half level onli lar.. when we went to meet the others chels and alvin carrying like alot shopping bags liao.. haha.. We decided to shop more cos not enuf! Bring so much money den nv spend so wasted.. lol so we went for 2nd round.. We both bought a top each but nv buy bottom cos cannot find any nice pair.. also bought nail polish and nail sticker.. Finally found a nice gold colour nail polish.. Yay!

After that we headed back to the hotel to rest.. Shower den decided to go out buy food come back.. me and raven went to A&W buy food while bings and mun went to some road side indian stall to buy alot alot food! Came back and eat again! haha.. like picnic sia.. Sat on the floor to eat.. After that the guys like not enuf sia.. So they went out again to eat more.. but i stayed at the hotel.. Alr v full..

When they came back i was alr half asleep..zz lol.. at first was planing to try stay up thru the night but everyone cannot take it liao.. so in the end all went to sleep also.. haha.. The next morning we woke up pack our things and it was almost time to check out.. However the coach wont come till 2 hours later so we walked to some nearby building to eat lunch which i didn't eat cos no appetite.. lol.. The guys bought their shaver and bings and me bought pretty pretty cupcakes for everyone to eat... We rushed back to the hotel and quickly head up the coach.. we were the last group.... lol.. finally going home liao..

Dear i bought lots of chewing and bubble gum for u.. hee... happy?