Exam over!  



Yay exams finally over last week.. super stress zzz but glad its over.. i think i fail one module again *sob*sob* longer life as a student zzz..

Dear's holiday also started liao heee can meet more often now.. and means i must excercise more ( lol ).. must really run everyday ah? ~_~

Anyways.. just happy can meet u more nowadays even though we argue alot haha. love u lots dear :) dear's going to shanghai soon next year :/ 7 weeks..! zzz.. loner life again.. 24/7 pia game haha... dear u must remember to call me k? you can bring my laptop so no excuses for u =D
i buy u the international calling card and remind me give u my papa number.. in case things happen there.. ok? MUST CALL OK? MUST!!! i warn u first :p

finally can meet dear tomorrow liao haha,, i also havent buy ur pressie.. can't get it in time from overseas.. sorry hor must wait till it comes in Jan.. but will give some other things.. dont worry.. lol.. *sob at wallet* .. can't wait for that day :) love u lots..

ps: take care of my xiao lao po there.. lol..

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