Crappy Shitty Sucky day  



Not a single day i feel happy ever since i came back from M'sia... Actually in M'sia also not veri happy.. sickening period.. cannot enjoy.. dulan.. come back i thought got dear wud be much more happier but i was wrong..

I dun even know how it started but ya.. no one knows how fights start anyway.. aiya.. wat the hell i also dunno wad i wana blog.. just damn sianx damn pissed damn pek chek.. I just feel so angry at times and i dunno whether i angry at him or myself or just pissed about everything..

So confusing.. i hate to argue.. i love him and hate him equally much.. Make me cry for so long... And u dun even care.. Kinda disappointed at him but wad can i do.. I just want everything to be okay.. no mood to eat to study.. urgh.. i hate you but i love you.. I push u away but i want u to come back.. Dun really make sense but i dun reali fucking care.. Its just how i am k? Unreasonable u say but i just wan certain things my way.. selfish or not there are certain things i need from a relationship.. And its definitely not this.. treating me like shit..

I know u're sorry but if u dun change, a million sorries also no use de.. I'm sorry too dear.. cos I guess mayb i took things a little too seriously.. Mayb if i didn't mind so much about wad we said we wud not argue.. Duno lar.. just call for time out bah..

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at Tuesday, December 04, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .