


WooHoo! Chalet was soooo so fuN! Now its over kinda sad leh.. Cos its most probably our class' last chalet.. =( Wah... veri tired la... It lasted for 4D3N and no one reali sleeps during chalets so yar.. finally get to crash in my own bed and have a good night's rest..

I went on the 2nd day cos i had piano exam on the 27th... Met Alvin and Heriyanto in the morning to get more drinks and tidbits before heading to the chalet at ard 11 plus plus... took cab down.. So anyway when we reach there it was raining and everyone was looking so tired.. Couldn't do much except hang ard watching tv playing majong.. usual thing we do at every chalet.. It was finally when the rain stopped when the guys went to swim.. So we went with them go walk walk since staying in was so boring..

I wanted to swim too but not that day cos i scared after raining the pool wud be damn cold.. So sad mun and chels' monthly best friend came otw they can join me swim.. So waited till the next day i went swimming with the guys.. lol.. so long since i jumped into the pool... but dun think u will forget how to swim lar huh... we just like hang out in the pool for half an hour or so, then the guys wanted to go to the sauna.. blur me thought i could go too but actually the sauna is in the guys' toilet..! haha.. Nv go sauna b4 so the guys say they wud help "smuggle" me in.. lol~! And they reali did...! OMG.. super steamy.. couldn't see shit in there.. But quite shiok leh.. Talk alot alot crap in there with them.. so funny.. Around 15 mins later the guys decided to check out the area outside to see if got any other guys notx.. so i can safely walk out.. hw we know just then got one guy came in and caught us! wah.. sux lar.. but aiya.. who cares.. it's just one guy.. When we walked back it started to rain.. wah.. perfect timing..

So left like one day plus we decided to rent bikes over night from east coast park.. took a bus there and cycle back.. After the bbq we cycled out again and stopped to play Polar Bear.. Khai Tuck nv play b4 so we show him how it was played.. Fun lar! Yeah.. here comes the marathon part.. We headed back to the chalet to rest for awhile b4 heading towards Changi Village.. Somehow we all thought it was quite near.. And noooo.. we cycled till out legs cramped out and butt ached for 45 mins and we stil weren't there yet.. wah.. by the time we reach back everyone k.o. alr... seriously i never cycled so much in my whole life... whoa! While waiting for the guys to shower some pple ordered mac and we watched The Simpsons Movie to pass the time.. Me and mun then decided to go up and rest on the bed cos we were superly tired already.. Resting became slping and soon it was time to wake up to cycle back to east coast park to return the bikes..

Everyone was almost dying by daybreak.. Thanks to Alvin and Bings for helping me carry my bags on their bikes on the way to east coast park.. From there heriyanto and i walked back home... nth is better than my own bed.. zZz..

Missing Dear :|  


No dear for the past 3 days.. this is beginning to be a torture.. Only calls for only 5 mins a day for the past 3 days. I thought i would enjoy the loner life lol.. oh well.. guess i know where my dear stands now =X i miss her so much the pass 3 days.. keep looking at my handphone for new msgs or missed calls, although i told her not to msg me or call me and have fun lol.. i shouldnt have said that.. damm it..

First day carried on life as usual, go to school at 9am for the whole day and back at 4 pm zzz.. stupid MOE.. change all private school to 7hrs a day this is making my life horribly horrible.. lol.. Also making this the worst short period of my life in a long time. my 3-4 years account of playing FFXI was hacked.. Called to Square Enix Twice but is unable to retrieve my account back with stupid dumb reasons, that totally killed my 3rd day.. I so want Shirlene to be with me :( Oh well, now shes back resting.. and i can have her with me again all day all night =DDDDDDDD

Maple: Old School Game?  



Wee.. exams over alot things happening... lol... My mom upgrading our house internet connection therefore nowadays quite hard to go online and stuff =(.. anyway... 4th sept got new connection.. so just have to bear with it for 1 more week...

Went to dear house more often this week cos we both broke and veri sianx to think of places to go hangout.. S'pore is onli sooo so small.. so yar... we watched movies like V for Vendetta and Bourne Supremacy at his house.. (on different days) and we suddenly just feel like playing maple for no reason.. haha.. Long long time since we ever touched that game. We created new characters in the new Singapore world. I mage he bandit. lol... It was like re-living the old days siah...

I'm quite worried about my piano exam in 2 days.. I know i can play well but only if i'm kept all alone in a room.. I get nervous so easily i just forget how it's like to play without worries.. My mom is just the best teacher i could ever have and i dun wana disappoint her either.. urgh.. STRESS!

Today dear dear went to orchard to see some open house thing for australia's uni intake. So i'm stuck and feeling bored at home.. Haix.. i dowan dear go overseas study without me.. No one to bring me out to play to watch movies to buy things for me to take care of me.. wa~ *sobs* Everytime i think of the time left he can spend time with me i feel like crying.. But for now.. I just try not to think of it so much..

Rush Hour 3 !  


After shir finished her test at the morning, we went to plaza singapura walk walk and probably catch a movie. Met her at cityhall with some of her frens. Said our good byes and headed towards PS. Found a movie at 4:30pm! Rush Hour 3 ! Since we still have like 1hr ++ to kill, we went for lunch at erm... hmmmmm.. actually we loitered ard for like 30 mins before shir decided on eating Mos Burger.. my poor feet.. OH! and i bought a shoe for her. She loved it so much =DD its so easy to make her happy =X

So after lunch, we headed for the arcade and played some photoshot game. Wasted about 2 dollars lol. Fun but short. The next time we looked at our watches it was 4:50 pm! OMG! i dropped the game i was playing and headed for a beeline straight to the cinema.. lucky the show havent started and was showing some previews of some funny show. Ratatoo ee i think.. Rush Hour 3 was a good show.. about 1hr 45 mins laughing the whole way through lol.. After the movie, we met Malvin at Bugis for dinner.. bastard go there still must wait for him.. we decided to give up on fast food and went to the indian hawker behind bugis.. shir ate plaster and one egg prata and i had rotijohn! eating and talking crap; laughing lol.. After dinner which took like 2hrs.. we slowly walked towards the MRT with our fat tummies and head home.. oh well.. thats a ending for everyday.. i guess.. =D

Pancake Cravings  


Phew.. finally finished studying BINSAN last night.. I'm soo stressed.. so much to study and i cant seem to rmb much.. Think i should sit down and take a break.. haha.. Anyway... Both of us have exams so close to each other's..
Tues - Object Oriented Java
Wed - Software Engineering
Wed - Basic Instrumental Analysis (BINSAN)
Thurs - Molecular Biology
......pure coincidence or wat? lol...

Anyway.. these few days i keep myself at home to study and i had pancake cravings for like almost a week already.. haha.. But everyday i wake up like 1-2pm.. too late for mac delivery.. so today.. i made myself wake up earlier and yay! i did it.. i woke up at 10 and called for mac delivery.. Hotcakes with sausage hash brown and coffee... YUM YUM YUM....!! Actually my mom bought those instant just-add-water pancakes but i'm so lazy to make them myself.. Besides, making them alone is soo not fun... haha...

After this study week.. I'm gonna force that someone to update this blog as well.. lol! Kiddin' lar...



Today.. Yammy surprised Shir at her house.. Weeeee...~ Unbelievable...


I was like sleeping from 3pm to around 5pm, cos i had cramps... so i decided to take an afternoon nap. At around 5.30pm.. my handphone rang... i picked up to hear dear's voice.. he asked me wad was i doing.. "sleeping lor..." den i heard a doorbell... i told him someone was at my door.. and he asked me "your mommy come home already is it?" i told him most probably.. and i had to go open the door for her now. At first i was a little suspicious cos he didn't seem to understand that i had to hang up in order to open the door. So i told him again that i wanted to go open the door and i cant be holding on the phone can i? So i looked through the peep hole to confirm who was it at the door..

I was like totally in my pj's, having the just-woke-up face and messed-up hair.. crazy... i rather not open the door than let him see me in such an un-glam state.. so i called him back and told him to wait while i go wash my face.. surely i cant let him wait outside right? So then i opened the door for him and asked him to wait inside while i go take a shower.. till now i cant believed he actually appeared outside my house.. haha.. i must be dreaming..

After that, we went down for dinner. We ate at the new Long John outlet at parkway. Then we went to look at some pc games before heading to popular to look at more pc games while Shir went to get some stationary.. At around 8pm, we decided we should head home early and rest.....

Just Feeling Sianx  


=(Princess)= far this week, for me at least, was nth but boredom..tests..mugging..more tests.. and boredom.. Anyway.. this is our blog so i shouldn't be talking too much about myself.. Lets see.. Yammy hse renovation i shld say.. 80% done... His project is 100% done and finished.. gone.. yay! It also so happens that our study week is the same week.. i dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing though.. More time to see each other and yet have to study.... *yawnx* Anyway i think better to leave the time for studying cos one week isn't reali much and somemore now.. he's sick.. fever..sore throat... I went to see him last sat for 1 or 2 hours.. he seemed reali fine.. but today.. after seeing the doctor.. i hoped he would have gotten better but nooo.... =( Not sure if he's reali that sick but..hey... "its not i dun trust u hor!" its just that he can sleep whole day without msg or calling me.. i just wanted to know if he's alright.. worse stil.. if he doesn't call me.. how would i know whether to msg him or not.. i wouldn't want to disturb his rest right? On the other hand am i being selfish? like mayb..i want him to give me attention even when he's sick.. dunno lar.. sometimes i think guys like him dun reali know how to express... make me so confused...