Missing Dear :|  


No dear for the past 3 days.. this is beginning to be a torture.. Only calls for only 5 mins a day for the past 3 days. I thought i would enjoy the loner life lol.. oh well.. guess i know where my dear stands now =X i miss her so much the pass 3 days.. keep looking at my handphone for new msgs or missed calls, although i told her not to msg me or call me and have fun lol.. i shouldnt have said that.. damm it..

First day carried on life as usual, go to school at 9am for the whole day and back at 4 pm zzz.. stupid MOE.. change all private school to 7hrs a day this is making my life horribly horrible.. lol.. Also making this the worst short period of my life in a long time. my 3-4 years account of playing FFXI was hacked.. Called to Square Enix Twice but is unable to retrieve my account back with stupid dumb reasons, that totally killed my 3rd day.. I so want Shirlene to be with me :( Oh well, now shes back resting.. and i can have her with me again all day all night =DDDDDDDD

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