Pancake Cravings  


Phew.. finally finished studying BINSAN last night.. I'm soo stressed.. so much to study and i cant seem to rmb much.. Think i should sit down and take a break.. haha.. Anyway... Both of us have exams so close to each other's..
Tues - Object Oriented Java
Wed - Software Engineering
Wed - Basic Instrumental Analysis (BINSAN)
Thurs - Molecular Biology
......pure coincidence or wat? lol...

Anyway.. these few days i keep myself at home to study and i had pancake cravings for like almost a week already.. haha.. But everyday i wake up like 1-2pm.. too late for mac delivery.. so today.. i made myself wake up earlier and yay! i did it.. i woke up at 10 and called for mac delivery.. Hotcakes with sausage hash brown and coffee... YUM YUM YUM....!! Actually my mom bought those instant just-add-water pancakes but i'm so lazy to make them myself.. Besides, making them alone is soo not fun... haha...

After this study week.. I'm gonna force that someone to update this blog as well.. lol! Kiddin' lar...

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