Feeling like shit at 2am  


Its 2.30am and I cant sleep..

Feel like my body is dying and I just wish it could. Being so hero thinking I was so strong. When I'm not at all. I havent been sick for so long and now comes the flu, fever and gastric. Luckily I'm able to take off tml. The panadol is making my tummy hurt.

Just wished u could be with me at this moment.
I miss you.
I missed all the late and sleepless nights.

Think maybe I work too hard, have been too busy. I hate it.

I miss piano.
I miss music.

I missed all the things I loved and yet, I couldn't be more xin fu. =)

Celebrating His Birthday  


Picnic for 2!

Fruit salad, hot dog, nuggets and sandwich. Haha. looks little right. But we sat there for 2 hours also cannot finish. Ate finish hot dogs and nuggets only.

Note: All food personally prepared by me okay! lol.

Presents! Each letter has a question inside for which he must guess what item it is. 5 out of 5, he scores!! There's nothing in "U" cos I forgot to write my message inside.. zZz.
The yellow couple sits under a umbrella at 11.45 cos its damn freaking hot!!

Went back to her place to slack after the picnic and think of what to do later.
She takes a afternoon nap while he plays games and watch tv. Nuaaaaaa...

Watched Pandorum at Iluma, Bugis.
The ticket-seller asked me: "Are u above 16?"
I was thinking, "KNS, duhhh, are you?"
I said ya, and she replied, "Our people will random check your IC in the cinema ok."
I just nodded. Wth. I'M 20 lar u biatch.

Dammmm freaking scary can!! Holding on to Lao Gong's arm for my dear life throughout the whole show.

Dinner at Ma Maison.

Screams pudding!!!

Our appetiser:
Cheese Fritters with vinegar sauce

Ginerale for her
Shirley Temple for him

Omu (Omellette)-Rice for him
(She forgot to take photo of hers..zZz)

Homemade Caramel Pudding for Us!!
This is really to die for! lols.

Happy Birthday to You and Happy 3 years and 10 months to Us!

Update of my unwanted busy life  


Retail is tiring, that I can tolerate. But every weekend burning out.. thats really tiring. Although is go out enjoy, but omg I miss my nua-ing life at home! The only rest time I have is during work, when there are no customers. I'll just play my laptop, talk to the aunties around me and day dream. Stil not much of resting cos cannot nap! =/

Later going down to pei Gf and Feng to cut hair. Haha, I'm not cutting cos my hair nice enuf alr. LOL! bhb, no la cos I wana leave long hair. Then afterwards gotta go grocery shopping for tml's surprise for my lao gong. Hopefully he wont be stil feeling sick. *HUG*

And then at night, gotta meet hannah and juan for dinner celebrate hannah's belated birthday. Everyweek its like this. Not that I dun like it, I mean out with friends is not a crime, can enjoy, catch up. But when I reach home I'm almost dead.

ok, gotta go dry my hair and get ready. =)

P.S. Thanks lao gong for getting me a new phone for my room. Weee, can disturb u whenever I want now. XD



Muaahahhaa.. Our new Ez-Link stickers! =)

Ridonkulous People  


And here I thought, " Yes! Dont have to see that irritating bugger from Novena Square cos I'll be at IMM ". Pui, I was so wrong. Here comes the 40+ IT geeko-stalker from the office building nearby. Yes hello, have u been too engrossed in looking at computer monitor that u forgot to look in the mirror? Gawd... He hung around my shop for half hour for the last 2 days doing nth, but stare and trying really hard to make small talk. E-e-e-e-www.

Stupid sia, everytime I kena such people, always is er xin people. Arent there any cute stalkers around? lol. Just kiddin =/

Anyway, I'm happy with my job. Though no CPF, no future prospects, there's no stress, relax, content with my basic pay and best of all, dun need wake up earli! wahaha! Bonus, I can get earrings for free! keke... Here people are nice, boring can play laptop talk to auntie next door, lol.. Dont laugh at me hor, YES I'M FINALLY WORKING & HAPPY. =D

(Can buy loads of shoes now. wee~)

Happy Birthday GF.. Muacks!