Celebrating His Birthday  


Picnic for 2!

Fruit salad, hot dog, nuggets and sandwich. Haha. looks little right. But we sat there for 2 hours also cannot finish. Ate finish hot dogs and nuggets only.

Note: All food personally prepared by me okay! lol.

Presents! Each letter has a question inside for which he must guess what item it is. 5 out of 5, he scores!! There's nothing in "U" cos I forgot to write my message inside.. zZz.
The yellow couple sits under a umbrella at 11.45 cos its damn freaking hot!!

Went back to her place to slack after the picnic and think of what to do later.
She takes a afternoon nap while he plays games and watch tv. Nuaaaaaa...

Watched Pandorum at Iluma, Bugis.
The ticket-seller asked me: "Are u above 16?"
I was thinking, "KNS, duhhh, are you?"
I said ya, and she replied, "Our people will random check your IC in the cinema ok."
I just nodded. Wth. I'M 20 lar u biatch.

Dammmm freaking scary can!! Holding on to Lao Gong's arm for my dear life throughout the whole show.

Dinner at Ma Maison.

Screams pudding!!!

Our appetiser:
Cheese Fritters with vinegar sauce

Ginerale for her
Shirley Temple for him

Omu (Omellette)-Rice for him
(She forgot to take photo of hers..zZz)

Homemade Caramel Pudding for Us!!
This is really to die for! lols.

Happy Birthday to You and Happy 3 years and 10 months to Us!

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