Update of my unwanted busy life  


Retail is tiring, that I can tolerate. But every weekend burning out.. thats really tiring. Although is go out enjoy, but omg I miss my nua-ing life at home! The only rest time I have is during work, when there are no customers. I'll just play my laptop, talk to the aunties around me and day dream. Stil not much of resting cos cannot nap! =/

Later going down to pei Gf and Feng to cut hair. Haha, I'm not cutting cos my hair nice enuf alr. LOL! bhb, no la cos I wana leave long hair. Then afterwards gotta go grocery shopping for tml's surprise for my lao gong. Hopefully he wont be stil feeling sick. *HUG*

And then at night, gotta meet hannah and juan for dinner celebrate hannah's belated birthday. Everyweek its like this. Not that I dun like it, I mean out with friends is not a crime, can enjoy, catch up. But when I reach home I'm almost dead.

ok, gotta go dry my hair and get ready. =)

P.S. Thanks lao gong for getting me a new phone for my room. Weee, can disturb u whenever I want now. XD

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