Change of location  


Monday, or rather later, would be the last day working at novena square. Will be posted to IMM, start work thurs/fri, to be confirmed.

Awwww gf! Cant surprise me at work no more! sobs!!

Anyway, IMM so far!! But I guess as long as I got music, travelling is not a problem.

Earpiece got spoilt 2 days back and I had to go home alone, lonely with nth to entertain me. haha, thanks to juan we talked on phone all the way from novena till I reached home. lol, loves! But no worries, I already bought a new pinky earpiece today! haha...

Dont know how long I'll be working for my current boss, but it will be awhile before I find another job? Got braces treatment for another half year or so, afraid that if I find a contract-based full time job I will not be able to take leave to go for appointment.

Aiya, anyway I also dont have any goals, got job better than no job.

Unlucky or lucky?  


Got myself into some deep shit recently, if not for lao gong I dont know what will happen to me. Basket california fitness agent pestering me for days to go for some free trial thingy. Hanging around my cart after my work pulling me to go up to their gym. Being the nobel dumbo that I was, I agreed to go for the FREE trial. I even asked him whether its really free. He said yes lor. Anyway, up there he gave me a tour of their facilities and classes. And then he brought me down to sign up for membership. He was being SUPER pushy, and again, the nobel dumbo didnt know what to do. He wouldnt let me go till I paid a deposit of 100 to reserve a price for a membership that I clearly told him I didnt want!! He just wouldnt take no for an answer and I just wanted to get out of there. So I paid the 100 and signed a bunch of things. Firstly, I'm not even 21, and yet he told me he'll put me as 21 and told me not to tell his boss. I got panicky and it was almost 11. Tired, shagged and stupid was my status.

Anyway, I finally managed to get out of the place and called dear. ZOMG kena scolding like dunno what. To make things short, we both came down the next day and he handled everything. Talk to the branch manager and explained to him that I was being forced to sign for a membership bla bla. The manager was quite good, knew immediately sth was wrong. So, he agreed to terminate the membership with no penalty plus free 1 month usage of their gym. Phew, that was close. I then dont want to pay monthly charges for sth I wont have time to go!

Later that day some kid ran into the pushcart and toppled all the earrings. Lucky no earrings were damaged, however one of the stands broke. Zzz. The mother asked how much she shld pay, but I didnt charge her anything. Shld have charged her for some earrings and extra for the stand her kid broke. Sales was bad that day anyway, but I didn't lar.

That was basically my day at work on the 9/9/2009. Suey huhh.

I'm 44kg now, whoo!!! 45 would be nice, 44 not nice number. haha.

At Work!  


Blogging at work!

Currently working temporary at Novena Square, pushcart retail 11.30 to 9.30!

Just moved down to level 1. Crowd is definitely better than level 2. But the people at lvl 2 are nicer. Lvl 1 ppl quite weird. All not friendly de. Aunty wana be sales girl stil give grumpy face, godd.. Now dinner time so hopefully later got more sales haha..

The pay is okayy, but I'm ok with it bah, cos stil can surf net and do my own things during off-peak period. However here very open, very scared things get stolen. Not only shop items but also my laptop! haha, must da bao and ask people to care shop when I have to go peepee. But all in all, stil manageable. =)

Dunno if I shld work temp full-time here first, since boss is nice and time quite flexible, I scared work other place very hard to take leave when I need go for braces appointment. Work SGH would be good, haha, can just walk to NDC for appointment then go back work, LOL!

I stil wana stay home and do nothing! haha, but this job is good la, only working hours abit long. Retail ma, shall not complain.

Please come visit me people! And buy me food haha! I promise I wont psycho u buy things, but of cos, I'll be glad to give u all discount. =D

Miss you and you and you and you and you!!