Starting Work: Phase 3  


I'm gonna start work soon... Starting of June.. Phase 3..zomg

This home girl has to move her ass and get to work to earn money cos she has been rotting at home for the last 2 months!!

Crazy about this new song (To Be With You by David Archuleta)... the co-singer is actually Kara Dioguardi.. I love her singing!!

I stil havent found my "aim" that motivates me to get out of my bed and drive me to be my best. Sometimes I envy my sis for having so many goals.. It isnt a must to achieve them.. U just need to dream them.. Makes everything so much more meaningful...

If you asked me wats my aim now, it stil would be that ...
I want to marry u!

Things have gone so dull lately..
U're always not around..
And I cant help feeling that I'm losing you
Yet I know u're there and I can only hope that we'll pull through somehow

Urgh..... I hate it when I blog emo entries

I need to be more independent! (But i know i cant ... zz)

Wana thank a certain someone who has been spending sleepless nights with me talking abt stuff.. Me this owl girl has been thinking way too much and sleeping way too little..

I've lost my direction and I need to find it back.

I'm so lazy to work!  


First things first..
Hope all ur many many goals can be accomplished! and dun let anyone else but yourself tell u what u shld do! Jiayou! Jie always support u! ^^

My work leave at Awards Music Studios is coming to an end! And I totally dowan to work.. So lazy right! No money stil dowan to work! Living on my savings and it is almost gone!

Not studying = no pocket money.. even if i go out with frenz and stuff.. Anyways.. I extended my leave for 2 more weeks... Told boss to help me arrange my students before going to work.. Ah wells... gotta work someday right! I wont let my hardworking knight work to death to support me.. Hehe...

Update: I can eat like normal now! Just stil abit numb on some muscles.. Need to get alot of used to biting and tearing food and talking too... I'm training on how to say sloth now! Soon man soon!

Having no aim in life quite shiok.. but then really v waste time la...

Hopefully I'll get sth on my hands that can keep me looking forward to everyday! And my that hope is to wake up to see u beside me every single day.....

Update: 1 month after OP  


Woo~ Hit the one month mark liao! Haha.. 1/3 away to full recovery! Lol..

Yesterday went to the dental... alone.. Haix... hate going places alone.. Need to wait alone.. Time pass sooo slow... Doctor says I'm recovering well.. The exercises have done me well! =DD

Now I must put these weird rubber bands everyday and onli take them off when eating and brushing teeth.. Say dao easy but actually is such a chore! The rubber bands are so tiny! Smaller than 5-cent coin.. And u need to stretch them at specific positions in my back teeth.. So lazy to put them on.. Mayb I put them on at night only or sth.. zzzz They are supposed to hold my back teeth tgt so that they touch each other when i close my mouth.. lol.. though I dun really see how those rubber bands can help alot.. means i cant do my exercises! mayb have to take them out when I doing them? excercises 4 times a day.. brush teeth 2-3 times a day.. Eat 2 meals a day... In between stil muz take out and put back rubber bands? wah seh.. alot of work huh..

Tml going east coast blading with poly peeps!.. and nope! im not blading.. Just go there help take care stuff.. Lol.. bring psp go kill time.. haha.. stil deciding wana go dinner.. kinda broke now that im living on my savings which is going to finish up soon! And they are eating steamboat? Later i go super bo hua.. plus muz see them eat good food... sian... Haha.. But i miss u guys and damn long nv eat with u all le.. HOW HOW!

P.s. Happy Birthday Bings!