14th Day (Officially 2 weeks!)  


I finally can talk!!

This morning I went to wash my face and tried to open my mouth as wide as I can... Definitely more than 1cm! So happy.. I tried to say Hello... And it came out Hello!! The feeling was so shiok that I finally am not Little Miss Mute anymore...

Wow.. But erm. When i tried other words it came out all funny.. And can onli speak slowly.. If not it will start to hurt.. Wont wana hurt my brand new tissues.. Lower jaw hurts more now... The numbess all over the upper left side now.. Less numb = More pain..

I went to my sis room and told her I can talk! And she said u can talk? U can talk?! Yay! Yay my ass.. she spent the whole afternoon laughing at the way i talked.. Haix..

My mom didnt even realised that i could talk.. She keep asking me qns like a normal person.. so many qns and answers she didnt even hear.... Wtf man.... that B?*&h.. Anyways.. Nt that it mattered.. I finally can say my piece to her... Just yesterday in the car.. She kept asking me qns and then she said: "why arent u answering mE?" WTH right... lets see.. erm.. because my muscles are weak and my bones are not healed yet and oh! there are RUBBER BANDS holding my teeth tgt... How does that sound speakable to u? She answered her own qns: "Oh ya u cant talk." Oh ya u cant talk u say? oh ya??!?! wow... its been almost 2 weeks now and she didnt realised I couldnt talk.. *faints faints* She is a music teacher who does use her ears... The irony?!

Today she promised me she get porridge for me to eat... For dinner.. And guess what.. She DIDNT get it.. She asked my sis to call me... I was sleeping.. She say i nv pick my phone so dunno whether to get porridge for me to eat. I tell ya she mayb the best teacher.. But she definitely is the worse mother.. Cant believe I said that but its true... U PROMISED to buy for me and now u didnt u blame me for not picking up the phone.. so its my fault that i didnt get to eat porridge.. Its these little things that happen all the time that makes her such a bad parent... Why cant u see! All she thinks abt is herself.. She knows I xin ku but thats it... She thinks she is the one that is xin ku because Im a burden.. So she more xin ku than me.. So she is the one that needs appreciation and care.. Please lor.. this is not the way to earn it.. And when ppl dun give it.. She just brags and brags abt wad she did for ppl that ppl dun see... bla bla bla bla... ok lor... THanks... Happy?

SO many things I could complain abt her.. And I know complaining abt ppl makes u forget abt reflecting on urself... wad u urself did right? Well... I feed myself whenever I can...like times where I dun need to eat medicine.. I clean the house when u guys were away.. Did u know? Did u realise? Noooo.... all she knows was how xin ku she is earning money for this family.. buying food... carrying all the groceries by herself.. her health her mind.. her work.. All abt herself and nth else... Selfish biatch list goes a long way... If i ever grow up to be her I shld commit suicide asap.... zzzzz

Ya i know i'm getting a little far-fetched just because of the porridge but its just one example out of the 100 things she does to irritate me in a day... URGH... her logic and thinking is way out of my league man.. I dunno how I managed to tahan her for 19 yrs...

Anyways.. Grats to me I can talk...Finally... And i can drink from a cup!! Just that I tend to spill it all over my shirt cos I cant really tell how fast to drink.. Haix.. Like a baby learning how to talk and eat... ohh mee-annN!

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