1 week 3 days (10th Day)  


I've been dreaming about food all week.. OMG going to die soon.. Had checkup 2 days ago and the doctors said I've grown thin... Another OMG...

How how... Im gonna disappear into thin air like what khai tuck says.. Haha.. Nooooooooo... Muz eat.. no muz drink more milk..

Things I have been taking, (other than antibiotics n painkillers) haha.. :
  1. Ensure's brand of milk - Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla (Ranked according to preference)
  2. Soya Bean Milk
  3. Yogurt Milk Drink
  4. Other brands of milk (Starting to get sick of the Ensure thingy)
  5. Water of cos, lots of it
Others include half a can of kickapoo, which tasted good but hard to drink with a syringe.

Can take anything that u guys can drink with a straw. So drinks that I wana drink would include:
  1. Bubble tea! haha.. but cant chew pearl la of cos..
  2. Chin Chow
  3. Teh Bing
Haix.. I wana chew food man.. I've been dreaming of fries, chee cheong fun and beef noodle.. zomg.. I can onli chew in my dreams.. Haha.. I'm content enough alr.. At least I get to chew! haha...

Apart from food I stay at home all day doing nth but watch tv, surf internet, play games, psp, drink like every hour, so that means toilet every 2 hours, play piano, listen music. And u know what.. This is my kinda life......................

I no str to go out anyways... 2 hours tops and im tired like hell.. zzzzz... Sleep for 12 hours a day... Haha.. my new life for the next few months... =)

Anyway.. since I have so much time.. I shld blog more often now right? lol

This entry was posted on Friday, April 3, 2009 at Friday, April 03, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .