Day 5 after Op. Day 2 of Incubation.  


Sorry havent been updating. Been resting at home for the past 2 days but didnt have enuf energy to blog.

So I did my OP on wed and woke up sometime in thurs. I dun reali remember.. I only remember the pain and agony of post-OP. I regretted it. ZOMG the pain and suffering. WHY THE HELL DID I EVEN THOUGHT OF DOING THIS?!?!?!!

I tried to think of Dear, Family and of cos my friends and buddies who were so excited for me. Told me to Jiayou and be strong.. =D I'm glad the worst is over now.

Day 2: When I woke up..
All i knew was i couldnt open my mouth. I went in and out like a dream cos of the GA. I tried to scream. Luckily my voice was stil there. Everytime i woke up i would shout with all my might. I dont know if it was loud or soft i just screamed my lungs out till someone could hear me. So scared..

Lucky there was this nurse on standby that held my hand everytime i shouted. She calmed me down and kept telling me that the OP was over. Everything was ok. The experience was like shit man.

After several rounds of whatever that was.. I was finally wheeled out towards the High-dependancy ward for hourly observation. I remember seeing dear sis and mom blurly. Tried to fight the damn GA but i just kept going back to sleep. I couldnt open my eyes but i could hear everything.. I wanted to say sth. But i realised my mouth was shut tight. "I'm gonna be a mute for quite awhile from now on" I thought. zzzzz

So i cant open my eyes, but i can hear, I cant speak, but i can feel ma right? i tried to stretch out to reach someone. Dunno why i just needed to keep holding on to something. Made me feel safer. That night was the worse night of my life. There was 2 lattern-looking things sticking out of my mouth to drain the blood out so I wouldnt swell soo much. I had to put on a oxygen-inhaler and 2 bags of blood transfusion before I had my haemoglobin count back up again.

Sleep was the best way to run from it all. But the nurses had to come in hourly to check blood pressure and stuff. Anyway no matter how xin ku I also muz tahan. There are so many patients having worse trouble than me, more serous incurable diseases, etc. But my OP is just a small fry among all those sickly patients. I stil young ma right... I will recover fast. No one wants to suffer.. but when u do.. u realised how shit it is.

When u cant talk, u tend to think more.

GA made me nausea and i puked a few times. OMG that feeling was so gross. Like having gastric and u wana puke but the waves of the puke feeling is like X10! The worse part - I cant puke out cos my mouth was shut. So how? The puke had to come out somehow ma right. And that was thru the sides of my mouth.. Merlion with 2 spouts instead of 1. Gushing out blood and saliva all over the place. The nausea drug didnt even work, and everytime i was given antibiotics i felt like puking. ZOMG glad that was over.

So the next day I had to take Xray and stuff to show my jaw placement and see if the plates were intact and not infected. 8 plates, 4 screws each (32 in total). 4 in the upper, 2 in the lower and 2 for the chin. Amazing how they fit so many in my small mouth. Anwyay the doctor helped me take out the two lattern-thingy that was attached to my jaw.

Finally some freedom huh. But the swelling will be more now.

Day 3: Alot ppl visiting... Day 4 I was discharged le..
Thanks to those who visit me ah.. No need to say Dear and family,
Juan my bffl
Mun my gf
Alvin, Khai Tuck, Raven, Qilu, Chels, Feng, Bings, Aaron, Justin.

So happy to see u guys!! Paiseh u all had to wait for last minute instructions cos i had fever and could nt be discharged earlier. Damn sianx..

kk Photos!
(Top) This one taken at hospital, cant reali see the swelling.
(Top) This one taken recently, can see the swelling at the cheeks there right? So puffy like balloon.. Zomg..

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