I shld take some time off to cherish those around me. =)  


I thought bananas are anti-depressants. I ate 2 this morning and I'm stil feeling like shit.
Came down with some sorta flu and fever..

Haha, I can imagine u guys saying, "Shir! Why u soo weak!"
My last post also blogged during my last sickness.. sometimes I wonder if I have some chronic sickness.. keep falling ill.. LOL! kidding luh. Have to admit maybe I'm really just weak..

Lack of sleep and water and time-off to relax.

Busy whole week, working and playing!
I know I cant be greedy, so I shld take some time and cherish those who were there for me. And for those fakers who weren't u can just go fk off. lol

OK, Thanks juan for being so understanding as always. Christmas is always a busy week for us and we dont have to say much to know whats on each other's mind. So, I will make time for you, no matter what. =) Gotta meet up soon! XOXO.

Thanks my gf, karmun for always cheering me up when I'm down and making me happy whenever we meet! Lurve ur christmas present this year! Will always bring it with me. Muacks!

Thanks vin for being such a sweetheart and a good friend. Always finding time for me though u're so busy with the tough life in army. Must jiayou yea! Huggies!

Thanks mei, for ur late-night-cant-sleep company and with you its like our world of our own. Crazy and quarrelling times are never ending..! wahaha.. muackmuack..

Thanks feng for visiting me after work on several occasions.
Thanks to kt, my honourable ass friend who happen to see me working, twice! U nv fail to be my "great" friend. LOL!

Thanks to those who wished me merry christmas!

Lastly, to my deariest lao gong, thanks for being there with me everyday and everynight for the last 4 years. Everytime I think of you, I feel like the most xin fu girl cos no one loves me more than you. So sorry I got sick on our anniversary week. But we have our whole lives tgt ahead of us! Happy anniversary!

Bored at Home  


Sat afternoon. Everyone shld be outside doing sth. Shopping, movie, eating, etc. I'm here, at home, blogging.. Haha

Antibiotics and strong pain killers making me drowsy. But I cant seem to rest properly.

Gonna be out of a job real soon.
Back to my slacking days?
I dont think so.
At least last time got people to pei wo. Love those slacking days.
Now no company, only got facebook.
Super uber no life.

Next week class outing I cant go!

Working on christmas eve and day, although no OT, I hope sales go sky high!
Im like talking random things.

Sigh. Come back to me.



So my slacking days are over. Money earning days are running.

20 more days to christmas!
10 more days to no more braces!
4 more hours to see my dear!

I lost my piano file. Damn sian. Seems like I lost the music part of me ever since I started work. sobs!

And now Im slacking here with no scores to play. No one to pei. I used to love my slacky days but now I feel so bored! Nth to do!

If I said I missed you, would you care? So hard to get what you want sometimes. haha, must really learn to be content!!!!

Lucky I bought our anniversary gift early. Hee. This month not much left after cpf reduction.

Everyone asking me to change job. Get something with better future prospects. But I'm happy there. Little pay also nvm. Though my mom minds cos little pay means little pay for her too. zzz. I stil think teaching music earns the most. But I dowan to teach! Later I become like my mom how! ZOMG kill me.

I dowan science le. Enough for now. How. Can I just be a housewife! lol everyday just buy 4D and hope to win first prize. HAHA!

Teach me to be happier-go-lucky.