3 weeks 3 days after OP  


Yeah!! 3 week has passed by extremely well! No complications.. No infections.. Everything seems to go smoothly.. though my face is stil like a balloon/pufferfish.

I can open my mouth 2 fingers wide now.. Ermm.. that would mean ur 2 fingers is one on top of the other and not beside each other.. Cos that is only 1 finger wide.. Anyways.. if u dun get it i also wont be surprised.. Haha.. No one really knows wad Im saying most of the times... *faints faints*

I now can not only drink from a cup with less spillage.. I can eat with a spoon!! And I can eat anything that u can smash with ur tougue.. Haha.. like mash potatoes.. cake.. egg yolk.. ice cream.. yogurt.. beancurd.. sweet potatoes.. and any food that goes along that line la huh... This is as close as any solid food already.. YES!

I've got to do jaw exercises 4 to 5 times daily.. So funny.. Other wise my mouth cannot open as wide as before forever! zomg.. Stretch those smiling and yawning muscles everyday 4 to 5 times for 20 minutes.. That shld keep me busy! Haha..

Wonder wats everyone doing these days.. After my birthday I onli talk to a few ppl.. The rest neh? All busy with work ah? Even my gf is busy with work.. How I wish I can recover faster! I feel so much weaker than before.. Nv go out for sooo damn long.. I become as white as ghost and as weak as ??? as weak as what ah? Aiya.. just weak la.. Me wana go out walk walk shop shop. watch movie.. Haha.. Soon bah soon.. thats wad everyone is saying.. Soon i can get to eat the buffet u guys say wana treat or eat tgt.. Whahahaa... Muz build my appetite so I can eat till worth it by then.. Heh Heh... Dear owe me the most foods liao.. Better save up wor! =DD

This entry was posted on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at Saturday, April 18, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .