Emo days  


Cant seem to sleep properly for the last few days..

Alot of things on my mind..

1st on list is my operation.. More scared than excited.. Though most of my frenz are more excited than scared for me.. haha!

Anyways.. Feeling down for awhile now.. Not sure why.. I'll blame on the hormones! And the weather.. Rainy and Sunny and Rainy.. Zzzzz

Today got class chalet and I dun reali feel like going... Go le also dont know how to have Fun.. In this state I am in v hard to enjoy..

Dont feel like talking to dearie.. Its not him thats making me feel down either...

Just sth in my heart that doesnt seem right.. But I stil dunno what that is..

OMG why am I so EMO!!!!


I need to:

  • Be content
  • Be strong and brave
  • Be more mature
  • Resist temptation
  • Believe in us
~16 more days~

This entry was posted on Monday, March 9, 2009 at Monday, March 09, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .