Made-of-Honour is damn nice!!!  



Today went out with dear and we watched made-of-honour!!! damn damn nice show!! haha.. typical but nice.. Michelle Monaghan is damn pretty!!! She looks so cute and hot... lol... Patrick Dempsey was alright but dear said he's very goodlooking.. haha.. He doesnt look the casanova type but he was in the movie lar.. but i guess in that kinda movie u cant find someone that looks too flirty.. then not romantic already.. haha.. and yes i cried! twice.. aiya.. sweet movie ma.. I think its reali a girly movie... 

Anyway i cant seem to upload photos to my blog.. pek chek..

Tagged by Feng  


A)people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B)tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.

continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

Break lo.. ehh.. betrayal is a serious thing k..

#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

To get married and travel around the world..

#3 what will your dream wedding be like?

Wedding got ceremony, honeymoon, bla bla leh.. qns nt clear.. hmm.. my dream wedding wud be on a cruise ship sailing towards our honeymoon destination.. Venice!!

#4 are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

Nope.. Dun care wat lies ahead.. 

#5 what's your idea lover like?

Hot and wild! no lar.. must be SINCERE, SWEET and always there to protect me... Like dear at times! HOHO

#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

Being loved by someone.. of cos..

#7 if the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for him her to change his her feeling?

Nope.. Just be great friends with the person.. Rather gain a friend then lose one.. dowan to harbour any hopes..

#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Snatch him away la! haha.. crazy.. Just go be friends with that guy lor.. haha..

#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

my mom

#10 what do you want most in life?

Money! cos $$$=power.. ehh.. seriously.. its freedom and a happy marriage with dear

#11 is being tagged fun?

ok lar.. haha.. got sth gimme blog..

#12 how do you see yourself in ten years time?

Married with lots of kids and a good paying part-time job.. =)

#13 who is currently the most important person to you?


#14 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

Nice and trustworthy person.. Phelgmatic ppl are always nice ppl.. =)

#15 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?

Poor is how poor.. not bankrupt ok lar.. got food on the table everyday can liao.. married but poor! poor but xinfu ma..

#16 what's the first thing you do every morning?

Press "snooze" on my phone.

#17 would you give all in a relationship?

I've been giving it all for 3 years.. haha!

#18 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

The one who propose? no la.. can propose means rich liao ma.. must be fair.. The one who treats me better of cos..

#19 what type of friends do you like?

Someone who is able to read my mind and share what they feel.. e.g. I say half sentence they understand liao..

#20 if you played a prank on someone, & he/she fell for the trick, what would you do?

I wont be able to do that in the first place.. My plan sure backfire

Ppl I'm gonna tag.. Not much cos i dont have many friends who have blogs..

1. Sis

2. Juan

3. Huiyi

4. Raven ( i know u wont do de la.. haha)

5. Qilu

6. NIL

7. NIL

8  NIL

Just bored..  


=) Princess (=

For those who are concerned abt my previous post... dont be.. cos i'm always like that with my mom.... More so now cos u know.. mom's this age.. menopausal liao..

Anyway.. just bored and tired of everyday life.. Missed the tiring but independent carefree life in Shanghai.. cept that we were poor there..

My mom always told me that family is forever cos no matter how far we are apart we are stil a family.. Right.. cos her other half always let her down.. I guess her relationships never go well.. Not with papa and not so with eric... Anyway she also always tells me that having a boyfriend is a bonus.. Cos she says sometimes its not good to be blinded by love... I dont see eye to eye with her most of the times and this is no exception.. You dont chose ur family but u do get to chose your life partner.. I dont believe in fate but i believe in chemistry.. Therefore.. my point is.. as the saying goes.. "Dont marry someone you can live with but someone you cant live without".

So lucky i got dear when i have family like mine.. lol..

oh well... its the tireness talking now... zZz




Happy fucking mother's day

This day holds no more meaning for me anymore

That fucking bitch is the most selfish hyprocrite mother..

All because she lost money in some investment... 

She has savings.. Money can be earned.. Why does her carelessness or bad luck must come on to me..

Her lost in money can cost my life... She wont pay me pocket money anymore.. I have to pay my own bills.. my own shopping.. my own transport.. She expects me to manage all that under 300 bucks??

Our desktop is crashing and she doesnt care.. She claims she'll only buy a new one when it crashes.. Wow.. how conveniently are all our files in there huh..

She expects our whole family to survive on one laptop? My sis O level.. i final year and i'm looking for a job to support myself.. And she says I dont appreciate her.. Everyday she complains that i never take care of my sis.. That she shld be studying 24/7.. she is not some robot and everyone deserves some slack time...

I try to find good laptop deals so at least we can save some money on buying expensive desktop/laptop.. wow.. she actually said i'm trying to spend her money like no one's business..
And she dare to say that since i'm finding work why dont i buy my own laptop.. Do u think i'm able to find such a good paying job while studying my final year? I still got to pay for my own personal expenses.. Hello?!?!

She also said that if i find work she wont pay for remaining months of pocket money.. So if i'm working i dont get pocket money? I'm trying hard to earn extra money here and now i'm just working to survive.. 

I dont even wana speak to her.. she makes no sense and everything that concerns money either means she get the better deal or there is some condition to it.. which of cos she stil gets the better end... I told her im nt even working yet how am i suppose to get money to buy laptop.. she says she'll pay half.. but she wont buy desktop if it crashes... like wtf omg?!

She complains abt the money she paid for my Shanghai trip when she told me that she was okay with sponsoring.. if i had known i wud have just applied for local attachment.. I rather not she complain abt the money... What a hypocrite.. She only paid like 1.5k+? less than 2k she complain wad.. she can earn that in a week! I was in Shanghai for 2 fucking months! Come oN!

I suddenly miss my dad.. Although im not close to him and sometimes he can be quite a bastard there one thing he's not.. Family comes first to him and no matter how poor he is.. He will still give me money when i know he is need of it more than me... Money is family to my mom.. Even family have conditions when taking her money.. 

I suddenly feel bankrupt.. like the world whr i lived in.. A place whr i know i wud have always enuf to spend has suddenly disappeared.. I dont even have money for sch now.. 

The worse thing she said was she just found out she had such a selfish daughter who doesnt appreciate her mother for paying all my expenses (I'm studying for goodness sake how am i suppose to pay for them myself) like braces and stuff.. and that i'm ungrateful and stil a teenager!! Omg.. that's like wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf!?! She thinks i'm being childish here and crying and throwing my temper like a teenager?

I'm 19 and she still thinks i'm a child! She says as long as i'm below 21 she has the legal right to control and judge me.. okaay... if that is wad she thinks i will give it to her.. When i'm 21 i'm gonna move out whether she likes it or not.. She shld be happy living in a hse with one less ungrateful daughter.. I hope she is happy when she has gotten rid of her daughters out of the house.. And grow old alone by herself.. I'll see if eric really loves her by then.. that asshole.. they too got their own issues...

Cry until i headache.. I cant even do my work needed for tml.. So many things to worry about.. How i wish time wud pass by faster.. Dear wud take me away.. far far away from this horrible place..

Ultra Kawaii - Animal Idol  


Saw this cute video on Youtube!!