Going Away... ... ...  



Going to Ms Yee's wedding this weekend at M'sia.. Its been quite some time since i went overseas.. haha.. Kinda excited but i scared i will miss dear! bOooOHooo~

I'm sure it will be fun cos can shop and enjoy with frenz..! Wee! But so sad onli 9 of us going.. haix.. if onli fang and qilu and all the others can come too.. den sure more fun de! haha..

Dear say go there muz becareful.. dun get lost.. buy lots and lots of chewing gum back for him and ermx.. make sure got spare cash on self at all times.. haha.. see! i got rmb important things okay.. haha..

today i show dear my passport with my sec 2 photo of myself.. haha.. super dun look like me can.. jialat.. Alvin say must think positive cos grow up change le ma.. bcome pretty liao.. but wad if at customs they say are u sure this is you then how? Haha... Stupid new rule says no more updating of passport as of 1st sept.. Got such thing de ah? people face change de ma.. den how?

Anyway the day i wanted to update i took passport photos haha.. gave 2 to dear.. and he showed me his passport.. super cute lar.. passport photo taken when he was in army.. wad can i say.. SHUAI lar! So i coup all his passport photos that he had haha..!

I hope this weekend i wont miss him too much.... dunno over there can make phonecalls not.. hmmm... Anyway dear muz update while i'm away oK? hee..

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at Wednesday, November 28, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .