Family Gathering Lunch  


Today my family and i went to Chijmes for lunch at 1pm. It was kind of a functional event cos we met up with my mommy's side of the family. 3 tables were reserved for all of us. Anyway the reason for the lunch was because my one of mom's sister and her husband from US came back to Singapore for awhile to see grandma (she's in an old folk's home) and also to just catch up with the rest of the family. So it was an 8-course lunch and here's the menu:

1. Shark's fin
2. sweet chilly fried fish with cabbage
3. tofu and roast duck
4. prawn with golden mushrooms
5. tau pok, fried fish and leek
6. brasied spinach
7. baked rice
8. mango sago with pomelo (yum!)

i loved the baked rice and dessert... super nice.

my eldest cousin and his wife who just got married last year came late cos they had to take care of their new born baby girl. Actually she's almost 1 year old now. She is soo cute.. she is stil unable to talk and only makes sounds like "ahhh" and "ummm" and able to make some hand movements. And her favourite toy is her mirror..super duper cute..

After that we went to raffles city to shop, ended up buying some groceries and cakes from a small bakery near the supermarket.. the cheesecake was soo nice. "Dear.. next time buy cheesecake from there for me please!"

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