Went to Sch with Yammy  


Yammy is always so busy with his house renovation and his projects and now.. his ah gong is in hospital! poor thing... *sighs* I always tell myself that no matter how busy he is or how little time he can spare to spend time with me.. i shouldn't complain.. I don wana add extra stress to his already-packed life.. So i should just support him and cherish the time we get to spend time together.. The only unhappy thing is that we hardly talk and its like we're drifting away cos i used to know wad his plans are for that week and now.. i dun even know wats planned for any day.. But i'm sure everything will turn out aye-okay..

Looking on the brighter side...
Since i have so much time on my hands.. i might as well update this blog then let it rot with just 2 posts.. lol..

we went out whole day today... actually not reali whole day but more than half a day is just as good right? lol... I went to his house and helped him fixed his new LCD tv! It was so heavy.. Saw him making tv wires and stuff.. So clever! I sure wouldn't know how to do it properly even if someone taught me.. hehe.. Then i walked him to school after that at around 2.30 (late for half an hour already!) Haha.. anyway i brought my study notes cos i didn't want to go home and study alone so i stayed at a study area at his school while he went for his lesson.

LESS than 10 minutes later (notice that "less" is in caps), he appeared behind me and gave me a packet drink! (ice peach tea) I was like wat?! Lesson over? cant be la! Think he saw the "huh?" face i gave and told me "nah.. for u.. dunno whr the teacher go.. i went into class and he walked out..haha..." Then he smiled at me, "k lar.. i go back first?"

Although it seemed like no big deal.. but to me..... "Dear i think u're sooo sweet!!!.... =) u actually came out of class to buy me a drink and see how i was doing.. i didn't even say i was thirsty or anything" lol.. XOXO!!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at Tuesday, July 31, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .