Went to Sch with Yammy  


Yammy is always so busy with his house renovation and his projects and now.. his ah gong is in hospital! poor thing... *sighs* I always tell myself that no matter how busy he is or how little time he can spare to spend time with me.. i shouldn't complain.. I don wana add extra stress to his already-packed life.. So i should just support him and cherish the time we get to spend time together.. The only unhappy thing is that we hardly talk and its like we're drifting away cos i used to know wad his plans are for that week and now.. i dun even know wats planned for any day.. But i'm sure everything will turn out aye-okay..

Looking on the brighter side...
Since i have so much time on my hands.. i might as well update this blog then let it rot with just 2 posts.. lol..

we went out whole day today... actually not reali whole day but more than half a day is just as good right? lol... I went to his house and helped him fixed his new LCD tv! It was so heavy.. Saw him making tv wires and stuff.. So clever! I sure wouldn't know how to do it properly even if someone taught me.. hehe.. Then i walked him to school after that at around 2.30 (late for half an hour already!) Haha.. anyway i brought my study notes cos i didn't want to go home and study alone so i stayed at a study area at his school while he went for his lesson.

LESS than 10 minutes later (notice that "less" is in caps), he appeared behind me and gave me a packet drink! (ice peach tea) I was like wat?! Lesson over? cant be la! Think he saw the "huh?" face i gave and told me "nah.. for u.. dunno whr the teacher go.. i went into class and he walked out..haha..." Then he smiled at me, "k lar.. i go back first?"

Although it seemed like no big deal.. but to me..... "Dear i think u're sooo sweet!!!.... =) u actually came out of class to buy me a drink and see how i was doing.. i didn't even say i was thirsty or anything" lol.. XOXO!!

Family Gathering Lunch  


Today my family and i went to Chijmes for lunch at 1pm. It was kind of a functional event cos we met up with my mommy's side of the family. 3 tables were reserved for all of us. Anyway the reason for the lunch was because my one of mom's sister and her husband from US came back to Singapore for awhile to see grandma (she's in an old folk's home) and also to just catch up with the rest of the family. So it was an 8-course lunch and here's the menu:

1. Shark's fin
2. sweet chilly fried fish with cabbage
3. tofu and roast duck
4. prawn with golden mushrooms
5. tau pok, fried fish and leek
6. brasied spinach
7. baked rice
8. mango sago with pomelo (yum!)

i loved the baked rice and dessert... super nice.

my eldest cousin and his wife who just got married last year came late cos they had to take care of their new born baby girl. Actually she's almost 1 year old now. She is soo cute.. she is stil unable to talk and only makes sounds like "ahhh" and "ummm" and able to make some hand movements. And her favourite toy is her mirror..super duper cute..

After that we went to raffles city to shop, ended up buying some groceries and cakes from a small bakery near the supermarket.. the cheesecake was soo nice. "Dear.. next time buy cheesecake from there for me please!"

Yammy House Renovation  


House renovation has been going on since 1 month ago. Every week onli can meet like once.. =( We meet on sats and usually we just slack and do nothing.. maybe catch a movie sometimes.. life has been boring since it started and mom's being a pest.. someone pls help! Thankfully, its gonna be over soon and then can meet up more...