Roller Coaster Week  


Loads of updates.

Most importantly, I working again!
Paragon, Coach. Starting next month in March. 6 month's contract.

I'm really tired from all the quarrelling and crying. I just want things to be the way they were. Simple and happy. Even if I turn back time, things will stil be the same right now.
I dont regret.

My phone drop in water. Yes dun laugh! LOL and now i'm using a buang phone cos my contract not up yet. Need wait 1 month. Dun laugh liao la! Next month I dunno what phone to get. Everybody say iphone cos everyone's using it and I said I dowan follow everyone and yet now when I have no phone, I think I'll just get iphone. zzz lol sia.

Suddenly I'm all outta words.
Think I'll update the birthday stuff next post.
Dun get excited guys! I'm super uber excited myself! LOL! Wee!

What a week.  


Ok I think I've said that before.
From all the sleepless nights.
Just kidding!

Haha.. Alot has been going on recently. Emotional roller coaster nia. Fk this family, other den my sis. U're the world to me man. =)

This update actually nt much of an update. Cos too many things going on and I dowan to type it all out.

Thanks gf for hearing all my problems and giving me idea.. though nt much use. Cos stil cant settle anything.

Really dunno why I have such parents but I'm sure its some kinda test or what to make me stronger. To be independent and realise that actually Im really really lucky to have people around me that love me and teng wo in ways that I feel I'm worth something.

Alvin faster come back leh, I got so many things to tell u. Ur 10 day outfield is killing me. 10 days used to pass by so fast. But the last 1 week I felt I almost died somewhere.

Dear dun always work so hard leh. Sometimes I feel stress for u and that I cant do anything but only encourage u everyday with sms and calls. I'm like ur kp bin. Forever cannot fill up. I guess thats all I can do bah. Love u always.

Adrian! Here's ur update lor. But abit emo la.. Paiseh ah.. Nv update cos too many bad things happening. See ur name here sure gan dong one right! LOLL!!

k la, sign off liao before I crumble into nothing blogging abt things I dowan to think about.

P.s. Anybody got spare room/rooms for rent? Let me know thanks =)