Wad a boring Sunday.  


Spend all day at home today. Doing nth. Watch tv, eat, go toilet. Really.

Gotten down with a bad sore throat. urgh, hurts.


Spending time with myself is really boring. U'll start to think of the things that happened the last week, and the weeks before and u start to miss all the things that were forgotten. I hate it. I hate to miss you and cant do anything about it.

Being alone is emo-ing sia. Cant get anything done but lazy to do anything. Hah, sounds totally like me. lol!

Tml is another start of the week. Lucky, I dont dread to go to work.
Oh wells, back to the busy retail life, enjoying life like u told me to.

Lived with no regrets.

O.M.G, Kill ME  


The time now is 7.55PM

And I havent open sale yet. Yes u can read that again. HAVENT OPEN SALE! Zero, kosong, zilch!

Die liao lor 1.5 hr more to go and 0 sales! Boohooohooohoo!!

Different Faces  


All kinds of people in this world.

Which is why I like doing retail. Can get to see all kinds of people.

Just like friends
There are good friends, just friends and "friends". And those who claim that they are ur "good friends" but they are not really there when u really need them.

Everytime I tell myself, "suan le bah". I can only do so for that moment. How can you really just "suan le". Tell urself to forget it, that its not worth it. But when the memories start pulling you back, u're back to square one - telling urself to "just suan le". Vicious cycle.

I'm always blind to those who are better to me.

We all move on.
I will too.