

Things I Hate in Life:
1. I hate being EMO
but I always get emo easily... rwar!
2. I hate having NO goals
but I really have no direction... boo!
3. I hate it when I'm at the crossroads between how i feel and what i think
because I get stuck for a veri VERY VERY long time!

Things I Love in Life:
1. The Love LOVE LURRVVEE from my dear, special one, sis and of cos friends & buddies!!
Too many things to elaborate here!! Statement so general but actually there are many things i want to say de!

Dear's endless love and attention! <3
Your jokes, company and facial expressions!
Mei's "high"ness with me at home when nobody's around!
Juan's faithful friendship with me and I know i can count on her on anything and especially to nua and rot tgt and do nth but talk all day!!
Mun my Girlfriend, u + me = the 2 siao char bo!
Vin my good friend who has been there for me at times! Really appreciate it!
Ahhh too many ler lar! Can dedicate one whole post for the people I love! <33
For now, like that first.. lol! Paisehh

2. The hours of nothing to do at home but slacking and playing the piano =)

3. When someone appreciates me for who I am and not neglect me when I'm not needed.. =x


P.S. Happy Birthday Amos!



Wahaha.. 2 new lights Dear Dear buy for me!!! Haha.. no need scared of the dark anymore!!

(Top) This one the face I drew cos so not cute just an empty mushroom.. LOLS! Battery operated and muz press down to on the light.. Haha.. ^^

This of cos not battery operated.. Muz plug and got light bulb inside de.. Very easy to heat up.. On for 10 mins very hot already.. I think if i on for 2 hours my mushroom light will melt...zZz..

On the way home, the plastic bag broke! had to hug them back home.. So xin ku! But once I took them out.. wah.. happy dao forget everything liaox.. Wee! <333

Aimless Life  


Work is crap

Like wow start work alr eh!!! Nope.. wrong!

I work like, mornings on weekends! When everyone out enjoying.. Stupid school!! Flexible my ass man! I stil dowan to work.. But everyone else says dun work do what? Slack at home nohhh what else..

Need money for shopping, for outings, for food.. ahh.. the needs of daily life... Damn sian..

Life is aimless

No direction
No Goals

I dunno what to do with myself

Everyday I'm waiting at home for something to happen ...

Waiting by my phone for calls and msg to keep the day busy ...

Not that I like it busy, I just need to find an aim for everyday ..

When will my time come when I can say , " Yeah I'm now doing this ... Its what I always wanted "

I say i'll be doing my diploma.. but to face my mom for advice.. its like uhhhhh.. lets try that tml..
(She really in quite a crap mood nowadays... cant really be bothered to talk to her, much less haven lessons with her.. zzzz)

Dear is ... Stil Dear

His work so busy .. His RT takes up 3 days of the week ...

We hardly talk.. and when we do, there's nth much to talk about. He's too tired. Or that mayb there's really nth to catch up on.. Argghh

Sian..i need DIRECTION.. everyday so meaningless now.. !