Finally a Breather!  



Now left presentation, assignments, Another round of hectic school life!
oHhhhhhhH - Mee-aaaaaAN!

Cant believe this new year.. Had to go school on new year's eve..
And now CNY is just around the corner and we stil have to spare time to do work and study for exams!! Its nv gonna end till we graduate ppl!.. Only then can we reali take a breather!

At least for now, after FYP report is done.. It seems like a year's work is finally done. *PHEW!*

Totally broke down on Thurs.. Now i think so stupid.. Haha.. Everytime regret why I cry and yet stil cry so many times.. zzZz.. Thx Mun for coming to the toilet at such "GREAT TIMING" to console me.. Haha.. And also to Dear for being understand and telling me that I shld not rush my FYP and then later anyhow do just so that I can meet him earlier.. Though never meet for so long le, I shld not sacrifice my FYP. Ah wells.. Now that its over, I hope we have done enough.. FOCUS on presentation!

[New year new stuff!!]
Thanks to mei for winning me a new N79 and Dearie Yammy for my new wallet (u're the one who spoilt it!), Got a few tops, no bottoms.. YET! My dad's gonna buy me a laptop too!! Wee~ =D Not that I need it but he says he wants to buy one for me so I said ok lor! Better to have more things of ur own! Especially when u're living in a house like mine.. Just be glad that i'm not paying any rent.

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