
=) Princess (=

Went out with Juan today!! lol... Its been so long since we met.. haha.. I got exam she got project.. Final year already.. Sch work is neverrr ending!!

We dunno whr to go that day so we just decided to go Orchard walk and walk.... We walk from orchard to Cine to eat Subway cos we damn long nv eat subway alr... Then we went to take neoprints!!
After that we just talk and talk about alot of stuff.. Too much to catch up alr.. haha.. Duno wad to do so we just walked and see stuff talk stuff.. Thought of going to visit Khai Tuck at work cos he shld be working that night.... Msg him but no reply and i forgot whr was his work place.. haha.. So while waiting for his reply we went to raffles place, near fullerton there walk... Heard the damn noisy F1 cars but couldnt see anything!! So noisy and bright lights were everywhere..

Walked until legs so tired.. Anyway that day was just practice round so also nth much to see la...
(Need console

Finally kt replied~! Parkmall Dome la... Stupid me.. forgot whr! So we made our way there.. But he already finished work.. ZZzzZ..

Juan muz jiayou jiayou for ur competition and final year projects ok!!! Hope u win!! Win le muz treat me lunch!! hehe

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 27, 2008 at Saturday, September 27, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .