

=) Princess (=

Seeing Tyra Bank's show is like.. "wow.. nv knew such things can happen.. but now we know".. Seeing Ellen Degeneres show is like.. "out with the serious stuff cos dancing and having fun is the way to live life!!" Seeing Martha Steward wud most probably be like.. "Hey mom!!... MOM!" Anyway.. my point is everything that happens to me i treat it for real... i mean.. i nv doubt the reality.. guess i'm reali gullible like dear says.. I see the the world the way she looks at me.. and not how she reali looks at me.. get it? I'm being conned here man.. Everyone i know could be lying to me and i take it as the truth.. The closest people could be telling me things to make it seem everything is as planned.. as it shld be.. and i take it all in.. ALL OF IT...

the onli person i reali trust in this world is Dear.. He's not family but he's my closest..

my family is screwed.. the one i'm always bickering to, loves me the most and my closest one is nth but a volcano of lies.. yes.. i'm finally getting to the point huh.. i'm up so earli now cos i'm having cramps.. but dont be mistaken. this is not a post due to me period okay... i'm just up earli and just felt like blogging..

so anyway i was reading my other frenz blogs.. some were good i must say.. and some were just horrible horrible lies... i guess sometimes people blog to be perceived by a certain way by their frenz.. so their frenz will look at them how they want them to.. But of cos not everyone is like that.. some just blog to release stress and anger.. to share.. to waste time.. etc.. so i guess blogging is different to everyone..

she's an attention seeker.. but no matter how much u give.. its never enuf.. i always treated her the best.. and now she becomes a perpetual liar.. she regards frenz as diamonds and family as dung.. I thought we were close... close enuf for her to tell me everything.. i was wrong.. she tells me nth.. onli the things that needed to be said.. Nth is real.. i'm so stupid.. i dunno who is she anymore!!!

Dear is not everything.. But he's the only thing i need..

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