A well planned day.. that's rare..  



Went to dental today.. My doctor was on maternity leave so i had a replacement doctor.. She was kinda rough with my braces.. like she wanted to deal with it quickly and get on to the next patient.. lol.. but ok lar.. she just tightened them so it didn't take long anyway..

We then went to 2nd level to shop for toothbrush.. lol.. bought two.. one for home use one for travel use.. Can bring to shanghai.. =p

We then went to Plaza Singapura to watch AVP2... 2.15 show.. Bought tickets at 12 plus so we decided to have lunch.. We ate LJS.. My braces started to hurt by then but i could stil eat.. thankfully.. Unfortunately though, i had headache after that.. dunno why also.. sianx.. We stil had some time to kill so dear say we go walk walk shop shop to take my mind off..

Yay.. saw alot nice clothes and shoes!! and then we went to Couple Lab see rings... Yeah.. we haven buy yet.. no money.. the ones we like were $78+ so we decided to just take a look.. Anyway we kinda decided which design we liked already.. so save up some money now.. next month we order.. hopefully before i go Shanghai it will be ready..

My headache became worse la.. sux... dear bring me to Gelare sit sit.. Help me order Hot chocolate.. hopefully it will take away my headache.. The hot choco smells good nia...

My "headache go away" Hot chocolate being served with its respective "maintaince fee"

Me playing with the thick chocolate that hasn't been stirred... pretty?

well.. its gotta be stirred at some point... thanks alot dear..

Yummy! hot, sweet and chocolate-ty... Going... going.. ehh? gone liao... Oh well..

Rested awhile.. the headache didn't hurt as much while i was enjoying the drink.. but it was not totally gone... it was alr 2.10.. time to go!

AVP2 was nice.. but why onli 1 predator ah?? Solo kia...

After movie we headed down to SP.. me need to hand in applied micro data sheet.. lol.. den we went home.. poor dear had to go home earli to help mom out...

Ouch... ok now that i had taken panadol my headache seems to be gone.. but not my ache from my braces.. i think tml no need to eat liao..

kk.. wan watch tv alr... =)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at Tuesday, January 15, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .