Busy Busy Busy  



Yay.. finally the week has come to an end and this week's tests are all over! At last i can take a breather and relax for awhile... but of cos there's more to be done.. OSRM report... plant science quiz, biotech quiz.. i shall not continue.. wa~

Poor me and dear have so much school work to do we hardly talk to each other.. sads sads.. but i noe everything will be fine when the day come i meet dear! haha.. which is tml.. yay! muz sleep earli soon.. haha.. beauty slp is impt.. heh heh..

These few days seem to be reali dreary and tiring and boring and i dunno.. just sianx lar i guess.. A close fren (u noe who u are) seems to have problems with her r/s and i hope everything works out for her soon cos aiya.. r/s this kinda thing.. veri hard not to think about it... tortures u if things dun go the way u want it to be..

hmm.. somehow i think i'm quite blessed to be in a stable r/s haha.. cos dear treat me good! and we seldom argue and fight.. however i think sometimes fighting is a good way to show how u really feel abt certain things... a way of talking things out.. lol.. if it is someone u really love, it is best to go all the way and not leave issues hanging in mid-air.. that's the worst..

And for those who are single.. enjoy life!!!! haha.. lol.. friends are sth u cant live without.. being in a r/s doesn't mean everything is sweet pretty and colourful like in fairytales but like a sand castle. It needs to be built with care, love (lots of it) and patience... Haha.. so dun b too eager to rush into any r/s.. nature will take its course eventually.. =)

oh well.. time to go to bed.. haha.. dun wana wake up a panda! zzz...

This entry was posted on Friday, November 16, 2007 at Friday, November 16, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .