HaPpY BiRtHdAy YaMmY!!!  


Wahh... so long nv update blog alr.. lol.. Today is Yammy birthday.. WOOHOO! muz make colourful colourful wordings.. hehe =)

But ya... it was a damn stressful week for me (shir) cos i had to plan and prepare everything! Stress stress..... kk.. lets start with the main present:
Different views of a wooden bus (top) - door can open and close also! haha

Front View of a Wooden Castle
Right Side View

left side view
- notice the stairway of the back view one! nice hor.. hehe

Total to do those two pieces took me like.. hmm.. lets see.. 2hrs on thurs, 9 hrs on fri, 12hrs on sat (yeah i woke up earli to do it ok!) so total 23hours... but shld be less than that la.. cos some of the time was for the paint to dry.. (all parts were spray painted).. but stil, anything with a deadline = stress...

lol.. and for the cake.....

which costs onli 10 bucks! and its so small and cute lar...(see below):

Hee..... happy birthday dear.... =)=)

Yep.. we celebrated his birthday at his house.. lol.. and i had to carry the present plus the cake all the way to Jurong leh! lol.. i took cab la.. hehe... saved all the trouble but ya.. i'm already broke and i stil spend this kinda money.. nvm lar.. DEAR WILL YANG WO HOR!.. haha =)

After that we watched Vacancy while eating the cake... it was like OMG.. freaking suspense thriller! i kept putting his hand on my face cos i was so scared.. i like every scary moment scream... and he over there kept saying: "dear relax lar.. u alr noe wats gonna happen..." Urgh.. ppl scared cannot ah.. still sit there act cool.. piang...

Finally the show was over and it was almost lunch time.. His maid bought Burger King home so we ate that for lunch.. full sia.. so we just slack at home.. hmm.. which wasn't a good thing cos dear made me cry.. hmph.. Dear force me play the piano and i dunno any piece ma.. so long nv play liao.. He got angry and i thought i didn't do a good job on his birthday so i cry lo.. Now think abt it quite stupid lar.. but i stress whole week liao leh.. den on that day gimme this kinda shit how to tahan.. boo.. and the worse thing i cry he also dun care.. birthday boy big lo.. i got nth to say.. guess i think too much that day den in the end kena headache.. haix..

But i headache he got take care of me =) gimme panadol all those.. and bcos of me we couldn't get to go out.. SORRY DEAR.. so in the end we went out for dinner at JEC and watched Resident Evil: Extinction with him (promise him watch de). The show was quite nice lar.. just that after watching Vacancy and Resident Evil i was kinda scared of opening doors.. lol..

After that, he walked me to the mrt station whr he lend me his jacket.. He scared i cold.. lol.. i wear his big big jacket all the way home ok! Ppl were staring lo! haha

Hope dear was happy today.. Muacks=)
P.S. thx to Juan for the spray paint and Sis for the help!!

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at Sunday, October 21, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .