Two S's : Stress and Sick  


Stress becos sick? or Sick bcos of stress I also dunno...

Only know I am both stress AND sick..

I also dunno why i'm stress.. Abt studies esp.. I normally just wouldnt care cos no matter how lazy I am I know somehow I'll make it.. But this sem I failed 2 gentech papers! I dunno isit bcos of that I'm becoming to get stressed. Sometimes I plan to fail but not this time... Gentech totally sux man! Stress-causing module.

Anyway v long nv update le.. Just felt like updating cos didnt feel like studying anymore.
Tml bioprocess paper! Jiayou all!

People are Selfish by Nature ...

I think its only natural to be selfish sometimes.
Like when needed. Though i cant think of any good reason right now.
The "kiasu" attitude of typical Singaporeans.
Sometimes I think it can be quite irritating when people are not mindful.
For some, selfishness is like part of their life.
Like the money-minded biatch in the house.

Most ppl think of themselves first. Like what they want others to know what they are thinking, what they are feeling, what ideas they have, etc

As what they say, humans were given 2 eyes to see, 1 mouth to talk and 2 ears to listen.
Why aren't people using their ears more when they have 2 of them?
Why do some talk and talk and talk and talk nonstop!

I've been trying so hard to LISTEN but if this is gonna be a one-way thing, it's going no where.