

Every 2 - 3 weeks we will change the poll question so if u are lazy to tag or when u're bored reading blog entries u can come and do polls on our blog!!

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=) Princess (=

What a tiring day today... Woke up at 11 plus.. tried to connect my mp3 to my pc but somehow it didnt work.. tried to change wires stil cannot work.. can on leh.. so my mp3 not spoiled.. thought maybe my cable was spoilt but then all the working cables i tried didnt work.. So i tried connecting my mp3 on the laptop.. it worked!! Waste my time trying all the wires.. zzz.. But also no use cos laptop dont have the songs i wanted.. So i tried to connect it again.. this time directly to the CPU and not from the extension.. Then only it worked... stupid com.. going to crash any moment.. so old already.. my mom says "still can work ma.. so dun need buy".. k lo.. wait till it crashes lor.. all ur files gone den u start to panic too late liao..

Ate lunch at 2.30.... went out at 4.. Mom had complementary movie tickets.. Decided to watch either Forbidden Kingdom or Doomsday.. But we had forgotten that both were NC16.. We were buying the tickets we then realised.. My sis haven pass her birthday yet so ya.. Not 16 yet they dun allow.. Some places see year some see birthdate... sux lor... 

Anyway i wanted to watch neither cos Forbidden Kingdom i watched b4 already and Doomsday dear say he wana watch.. And bcos of this i argued with my mom la.. cos she said she Doomsday was her first choice and i told her i dowan to watch that cos i promise other ppl already.. Then we were told that the complementary tickets doesnt cover for Forbidden Kingdom either.. So it was like.. wth sia.. This cannot that cannot.. Argue also no use wad lidat.. 

So in the end me and sis watch Superhero movie and my mom and eric watched Doomsday.. which apparently they said it sucky.. To me Doomsday from the trailer looked like an imitation of Resident Evil leh.. Dunno lar... quite unoriginal the storyline.. And Superhero Movie was lame sia.. haha.. entertaining but yar.. those kinda movies u'll just get the dvd and watched it with frenz but not worth the money to go to a cinema to watch it..

Had pepper lunch for dinner and went to far east to shop awhile.. Bought a pair of slippers and a belt.. 

Sianx.. tml got school.. somehow u dread the going-to-school-part but when u're there with frenz and everything sch can be quite fun.. The only thing sianx is sometimes u cant slp at night and u cant fight the tiredness during lectures..

Missed dear alot today.. Poor dear got sick today.. Hope u're feeling better soon! 

Tried to put Fake Eyelashes today...  


=) Princess (=

Tried to put on fake lashes today.. lol... Bought them at jurong point today.. Dunno whether u all can see anot but put le veri kua zhang leh i feel.. super long and super thick.. I think u can click on the picture to open it in another window to see it more clearly?

They were brown eye lashes! haha.. but quite nice lar.. just that i had a hard time sticking the ends cos when i blink and blink they get out of place easily.. 

Juan sleeping over!  


=) Princess (=

Ever since i came back from Shanghai i haven had the time to meet up with my BFF lar.. Sianx lor first two weeks already got homework and assignment and everything.. Stress stress.. Third year alr.. this is how it shld be i guess..

Anyway.. that's no excuse for not catching up with ur frenz exp ur bestest ones!! So anyway.. she is at my place now.. staying over so we can chat till our heart's content... haha.. Showed her all the Shanghai photos we took... all the stuff i bought.. lol.. Fun sia.. But i had to leave earli in the morning the next day so we didnt spend much time tgt.. oh well.. 

She really liked the painting and the doll i gave her.. haha.. if i had more money i wud have bought more stuff but yeah.. everyone was on budget cos of the stupid 400 bucks.. zzz..

kk.. gtg

Just Shuddup!  



Today was a fucked up day.. Thanks to someone.. For every situation there is always a line to draw.. whether its clear or blur the fucking line is stil there.. So please.. If u are friend enuf.. keep the insults to yourself.. Dont know wats ur fucking prob but i'm sure i'll never do that to you so pls just back off..

I'm more hurt than pissed but like what u always say, do u think i care? Yeah, Whatever...

Prolly regret posting this entry in the future, but for now i'm too pissed to bother..

Back to School...  



Everything is falling back into place like it should be.. Though it may not be fair, its a way of "nature" i guess.. Lol.. Blur? I'm just crapping.. haha.. just a thought..

I realised everyone is like getting attached.. haha.. All the pple i know are getting attached one by one.. We are all getting old and older?.. haha.. Soon we'll all be getting married.. wow.. long way to go there..

After this OITP thingy.. i think the 9 of us that went to Shanghai has become closer.. But when sch starts, everyone goes back to their former cliques.. (which is part of what i was talking abt in the first paragraph) hmm.. dunno whether we will be stil close after graduation.. sacali everyone graduate, u go your way i go mine.. kinda sux that way.. Anyway u guys (as in guy guys not gals, u noe hu u are) are like always bullying me on purpose..

Dowan this to continue whole life la huh.. Cant imagine when i'm like 30 plus and Khai Tuck calls me on the phone, "Hey DUMMY!" and ZiHao stil saying to me, "U suck!" Seriously.. ... i shall not say more.. Haha.. Ehh.. but thanks for sticking ard ya! One more year left.. Refrain abit lar.. lol

Think this year would be a hectic year for me.. Final year.. and this sem we have MST (Mid-sem test).. Like OMG! PLUS!FYP! plus i need to get a job so i can pay some house expenses cos my mom sponsored quite a bit for my Shanghai trip..

Dunno how i'm gonna cope cos i'm always so lazy and sleeping so much.. scared cannot tahan leh.. Already a panda.. i dunno wats worse than that.. argh!

Back From Shanghai!! Back to my Sunny Island!  



This blog is so stale can!! (Raven dun say "can".. haha) This lazy dear of mine cant bother to even update.. zzz.. Anyway most of the pple who come see this blog are usually my friends so ok la huh..

Kk.. first things first.. just got back from Shanghai like 3 days ago? Today is the 2nd day of school.. busy busy! Dont even have time to update blog and catch up with the busy Singapore city life!

Let me just tell you in a nutshell how the miserable yet memorable 7 weeks has passed in Shanghai.. Actually its not really in a nutshell cos there are 400 over photos i have taken.. Haha.. So i just pick "some" out.. lol

Pictures speak a thousand words but i shall guide you guys through ya..

As we were about to board the plane.. we took a grp photo.. see u Singapore in 7 weeks!! BooHoo..

Some pictures I took on the plane.. lol

The lunch I tried to eat on the plane...

Justin taking a nap during our 5-hour flight...

First look at our student hostel.. Looks clean but its not! Dusty and the doors cant be closed properly.. Sianx.. A little unpacking to help us settle down (below).

First day at work... This is one of the bridge we have to cross everyday to get to our labs...

Xiao Long Bao and Tang Bao awaits us!!
Below are some shots I took during our River Cruise..

Dong Fang Ming Zhu Tai, Shanghai's Radio Tower at the back.. We tried to smile but failed cause it was very bright at that time.. lol

Took this at ECUST campus.. Top sign says no cars allowed and the bottom signs says no horning allowed. Looks like a trumpet doesn't it.. haha

We call this place the Mango Sorbet shop.. Sells bubble tea, milkshakes, and of cos mango sorbet topped with ice cream for onli 5 yuan = S$1... Wah!

I merged 4 pictures into 1.. so pls see carefully.. haha.. This is Cheng Huang Temple.. It sells alot of Chinese traditional and modern stuff... Traditional stuff got Dragon Beard Candy which Mun is eating, & also sweets, mochi and tea! Modern stuff includes Esprit, starbucks, coffee bean.... 

This is our favourite and most missed cafe.. We call it the Aunty Shop (in chinese).. We dun like canteen food so we usually come here to eat instead.. lol.. The 3rd picture is Strawberry with condense milk on top of crushed ice.. Yums!

The day we first time played Ping Pong.. Khai and Justin doing the pose from Balls of Fury..

2nd arranged tour! This is the Old Town; Jiang Nan Gu Zhen, alot of paintings, handmade crafts, and most amazingly, handmade crafts made from leaves! See below...

One-of-a-kind picture.. Our very own World War 3.. The dryer/spinner thing was spinning so violently the whole washing machine toppled down from the platform!! Our clothes were in it!! Poor me and raven had to wash our clothes again...

The first time we went out ourselves, taking public transport.. We went to Xu Jia Hui to eat Pizza Hut!! Finally some decent food! China food is so oily and salty..

How can we forget our first birthday girl in Shanghai... Happy birthday Feng!!

Bings intro us this super far away but damn nice road side stall place.. Golden mushrooms were heavenly...! so was the fried rice and fried noodles and BBQ stuff... *BURP!*

Me and Raven's supper! Swweeet strawberries in milk!! 

As u can see from the picture.. u know whr we are.. Here we can buy train tickets and go to other parts of China..

This is Nanjing Road... Similiar to Singapore's Orchard Rd.. Look at the pple here... Like ants in an anthill...
Here at Nanjing Rd, cos ppl traffic is overwhelming, they have ppl traffic lights on pedestrian roads.. lol.. As if anyone wud abide by them.. zzz, esp in China..

We chanced upon the sun setting behind us and took a shot.. Nice right?

We walked to Cheng Huang Temple by ourselves this time and that's us drinking Coffee Bean.. We have already been out for almost 7 hours!!

Khai and Justin pretending to drink from the enormous tea pot... Bottoms up guys!

The Coca-Cola bottle is attached to the building.. This is Nanjing Rd.. We were heading towards home from Cheng Huang Temple...
Ooh... Our first birthday boy in Shanghai.. Happy birthday buddy!!! haha... The Happy birthday Raven was written by me.. and that's all our messages written on the back of a JJ poster we bought at the Mango Sorbet building.. lol..

This was taken before we surprised Raven... hehe..

2nd time we went out by ourselves.. Gu Bei Carrefore.. We had Secret Recipe for dinner.. Wah.. A sense of closeness to Singapore... They sold laksa and curry there!!

This is a glimpse of the famous Super Brand Mall.. 10 stories high with 2 wings, like vivo but much bigger! 

This is China prata... haha.. But the stalls says Taiwan Shou Zua Bing.. Anyone heard of it? It tastes like prata just that it is eaten with chili and ketchup and not with curry.. haha..

Feng and Raven taking a bite.. YUM!!!

One of cold nights in Shanghai.. The sky was so cloudy and heavy that is covered almost half of the Dong Fang Ming Zhu Tai..

The day we went to Hang Zhou: 

Few days before departure.. Outside one of the shopping malls at Xu Jia Hui:

Me and Senior Yu Yang:
Me and Senior YaYa:
Me and Senior Hu Bing:

The day before Departure.. Happy birthday to Me.. ! We all went to sing K..

Minutes before my birthday was over.. Senior Alex came all the way from Pu Dong to wish me Happy Birthday! 

Sleeping late the night before cos i had alot of things to stuff in my luggage.. Help!!

The morning before we left for the airport.. Senior Alex and Wang were there to send me off.. Thanks!!! =)
Our last meal at our favourite Aunty shop... =(

7 weeks passes by like a breeze when we were having fun though some China pple like to kpkb for no reason.. My mentors and seniors were all so nice and sweet.. And the aunty shop aunty.. will miss her alot too! Which is why this trip is miserable yet memorable... Aw... i miss my lab already.. and the cheap food and shopping, late night suppers and cooking and washing up and watching late night tv.. But I'm glad to be back with all my friends and family and dear!!